Welcome! Thank you for your interest in Kiddie Kollege Preschool! We are a Christian Preschool that has been serving the children in our community for 45 years.  A ministry of the Capstone Free Methodist Church, we offer morning classes for children ages 2-5. Our 2-year-old Explorers class offers hands-on activities and provides an introduction to preschool learning.  This class is offered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings only. Our 3-5-year-old classes prepare children for kindergarten learning. We hope that you will choose Kiddie Kollege Preschool to serve your family!
We also offer daycare, open from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, visit our Kiddie Kare page.
Enrollment for next year goes as follows: The last week in January is open for current returning families of Kiddie Kollege and Open enrollment begins the first week in February and remains open until classes are full.

If you have any questions or would like to visit our classrooms, please feel free to contact us at (574) 267-7260.  We look forward to hearing from you! Cap

“Our purpose is to prepare preschool aged children for kindergarten by providing a safe, caring environment in which to learn, while offering them opportunities to explore their world through academic, social, physical, and spiritual activities.”  

Tuition and Fees

Enrollment is for 3 or 5 days a week depending on the class you select.
Child attendance cost per month
Explorers $140.00
Preschool $140.00
PreK 3 Day $140.00
Pre K 5 Day $160.00
*Non-refundable registration fee for the year – $30.
*Snack / Supplies fee for the year – $40 (3 days/week) $50 (5 days/week)

Explorer Class

Your child must be 2 1/2 by September 1st of that school year. 
*Potty training not required.           
Focus: socialization and exploring the world through hands-on activities.               
Classes meet Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9-11:30.